Skunks — we've all smelled them. These odoriferous critters can cause a host of problems that even a tomato bath won't cure. Skunks are known to spread rabies and other diseases to domesticated animals, plus they can cause damage to your property or landscaping. Don't mess with skunks! Trust the professionals at Critter Control of Cleveland. Call today for skunk care: 216.342.2316

Getting Rid of Skunks


Skunks are well-known for their foul, pungent smell. Citizens from North America, South America, Indonesia, and other regions of the world where skunks are found know to steer clear of the animals or risk the wrath of their specialized defense mechanism. Two of the most prominent North American species are the spotted and the striped skunk, while others, like the hog-nosed skunk, are less common.


North American skunks usually have distinct black and white markings and long claws used for digging. Striped skunks display two outward-bowing, thick stripes along their backs, which join together near their tails, and white patches on their heads. Spotted skunks have more varied and eccentric-looking stripes accompanied by few actual spots. Striped skunks weigh between 4 and 10 pounds and measure approximately 25 inches lengthwise. Spotted skunks are smaller as they weigh no more than 3 pounds and grow between 15 and 20 inches long.


Skunks are mostly nocturnal and prefer to live in open areas such as prairies, pastures, and forest edges. The animals are capable of surviving in most climates. During winter seasons, skunks rely on fat stores for continued nourishment and remain holed up in dens for several consecutive days or weeks.


Are skunks known to enter homes or yards?
Nourishment available in areas of human activity compels skunks to live under buildings, decks, and patios. The omnivorous mammals eat just about anything, including rodents, garden vegetation, grubs, and other insects, and venture into trash bins for leftover food. They may also break into chicken coops to steal eggs or hatchlings.


Do skunks harm people or property?
Sprayed from the anal glands, skunk secretions cause horrible odors and temporary blindness and can hit predators and people up to 10 feet away. Although skunks are mostly detested for their odor, they also damage landscapes, plants, and structures when they dig for food. One of the most common carriers of rabies, skunks are also known transmitters of canine distemper, hepatitis, tularemia, and Q-fever.

Skunk Control and Safety

While control methods, like erecting fences, help keep skunks away, more effort is often necessary to seriously reduce the possibility of infestation. Ensure skunks cannot get under building foundations by sealing openings with mesh wire. Individuals can also attempt to limit food and water availability. To start, secure trash bins, limit rodent populations, and block entry to pet and livestock feeds. Keeping landscapes free of debris, such as overgrown shrubs and firewood piles, also deters skunk presence.

Trapping and Removal

Landowners risk the possibility of being sprayed when they approach skunks. Mishandling can also lead to bites, which require immediate professional medical attention. So, instead of attempting removal, property owners should call Critter Control to assist with skunk problems. We employ only expert-level pest professionals to ensure jobs are done right and in the safest way possible.

We can help you get rid of skunk problems. 216.342.2316

Request a Quote
Animals digging in your yard? Skunk odors? Skunks under your home or porch? All of these are indicators that skunks are living on or near your property. Call your local Critter Control office today for effective skunk removal and exclusion services.
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